Is this a Man or a Madman, a Cameroonian, who is a Poet and a Playwright.
People complain about his look,he will wait for about 1to 2 hours before he could get a Taxi, they drive past him but they don't wait cos most People think of him a mad man but he doesn't what he looked like, all he care about is Women, and his work of Art.
Mbella Sonne Dipoko
Doctor and His Patient
People complain about his look,he will wait for about 1to 2 hours before he could get a Taxi, they drive past him but they don't wait cos most People think of him a mad man but he doesn't what he looked like, all he care about is Women, and his work of Art.
Mbella Sonne Dipoko
Doctor and His Patient
After months of ill heath, a man goes to his doctor for a full check-up. The doctor
brings out the results and says 'I'm afraid I've got some very bad news. You're
dying and you don't have much time left'. The man looks shocked. 'Oh that's
terrible! How long have I got?' 'Ten' replies the doctor. 'Ten?' the man asks. 'Ten
what? Months? Weeks? What on earth do you mean?' The doctor looks at him
sadly. 'Nine... Eight...'
Wall Street Guys
They would do anything to get a Kobo or Penny to be added to their account.
A yuletide meal at an expensive restaurant is disturbed when a woman starts
screaming. "My son is choking" she cries, "He's swallowed the sixpence in the
Christmas pudding. Please anyone help!" Without speaking a man stands up at a
nearby table and walks over nonchalantly. Smiling pleasantly he grips the boy by
the gonads and squeezes. The boy coughs and out pops the coin. "Thank you so
much" beams the relieved mother, "are you a paramedic?" "No" replied the man "I
work for the inland revenue".
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