She started struggling on my bed,kicking her
legs and moaning painfully,gasping for breath.
My heart skipped a thousand beats
Before i could understand what was happening,
she collasped on the bed.
I fearfully stared at my unconscious visitor.
Confused, nauesous and lost.
"please don't do this to me" i pleaded seriously.
Tears fell from my eyes,serious manly tears.
My heart pounded furiously.
The poor girl breathed her last, a very heavy
breathe it was before keeping still, leaving me all
alone to my fate. All alone and hopeless.
I was left with the choice to tell the truth. A
freaking truth which no one would buy.
"no no no" i cried with panic, jumped out of the
bed and wore my trouser. My mind was set on
going out to seek help. To scream, to cry out
"Perhaps my neighbours could be of assistance"
I reasoned with a cold shiver. But on second
thought i played down my fears and decided not
to seek external help. She wasn't breathing, she
already was freaking gone. I felt her pulse over
and over again.
Desperately, i tried breathing into her mouth to
see if she can start breathing again but to no
I pressed on her chest a hundred times over, but
nothing worked.
I fell back with fear, while the consequencies of
my predicament ran through my head. I was in
deep s.hit.
I needed no one to tell me that I only had a little
time to think out a good explanation or plan.
Time was running out fast. Dawn was quickly
"d.amn" i exclaimed as my head played back our
last moment together. I really was ruined,
definitely fucked.
"Damn 2go" i hissed, wondering what must have
happened to her.
"perhaps she's asthmatic or something. Perhaps
i woke up too late to save her. Jeez" i cursed,
reached for her handbag and searched it for
drugs or something similar but found nothing.
Slowly my clock struck 4:10am, i had little time
"I have to act fast. I have to move her body" i
reasoned with a fearful courage.
"Where will i dump her?, how do i cover my
tracks?, did anyone see us together the previous
evening?" i wondered as i pulled her down from
my bed.
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